Havoc Available : )

It looks like Havoc’s available at Amazon. Might be a few days before it reaches the other formats. Hope you guys like the story. Hope it makes you smile. : )

12 responses to “Havoc Available : )

  • Mary

    Ok, it’s been 3 months, are you missing them yet? Any new ideas? Hope you want to pick up and expand the pack a little 🤔🖊 PLEASE.

    • tlongford

      Hi Mary! Thanks for writing! Hope everything is going well for you. I can’t believe it’s been 3 months; I’ve been so busy at work. After spending five years with Greystone pack, I don’t think I’ll be writing again. At this point, I’m convinced I don’t have the talent to be a successful writer. It was fun while it lasted though and I’m glad I finished the series.

  • Mary

    Thank you for such a thoughtful ending to a wonderful series. It was tied up quite nicely and answered many questions. You have a wonderful way of telling a good story and keeping the reader interested. I read Havoc and Sofies story in 1 day. Sad it’s ended, BUT! If you get to missing the pack in the future, as I know I will, we now have a 21st. Century generation (Willfull) and the brothers and cousins to work with. Just a thought☺️

  • Anonymous

    Would not let me post name, just email daddy?

  • Anonymous

    I read havoc and i just love the ending do malarkey and leo end up together and what about malarkey’s brothers what happened to them? Also i would love to know if walker ever finds out about the gargoyles, and the whole witch thing does it not apply to guys? Wow i just realized how much i wrote ok ok no more questions, i just want you to know that i love your books and i cant wait to read the books you will publish in the future even if theyre not part of the greystone series.

    • tlongford

      Thanks for all the questions! No, Malarkey doesn’t end up with Leo. I don’t know what happened to Malarkey’s brothers; he hasn’t told me yet, hahaha! I imagine Walker eventually finds out about the gargoyles. As a redhead, he does have some powers but not as much power as a girl would have. Thanks for reading the Greystone series!

  • Anonymous

    Already got it! On I Books already

    • tlongford

      That’s wonderful news! I’ve never seen an I Book copy. How does it look?

      • Anonymous

        Great ! Have loved these books and I am a young 65 !
        I have never understood why gargoyles are so scary …
        over the pond where I was born we took them for granted! Sad I never took any photos of them,
        In the U.K. there are many old, but still occupied buildings,Supposedly were really made to let water drain from gutters ! A wonderful piece of art !
        Some were really ugly … supposedly they scared off the demons that roamed the nights! A bit like why people addressed dressed up on Halloween, they disguised themselves so on the one night a year when the dead rose from their coffins could not recognise them, their kinfolk were terrified they would be dragged to hell by their dead relatives
        Some Gargoyles were crafted as Lions, Dragons and were carved out of brick or marble ! Maybe granite?
        he artists were very talented , but never given their due as Artistic sculptor’s …
        This is just what I’ve heard during the years! Take it with a pinch of salt ! LOL. none of it has been proven ….
        But makes nicer stories !

      • tlongford

        Interesting post! Thanks for the insight!

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A girl with a mouth almost as big as her TBR list